Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Today my class went to the Mongolian National Oncology Center to see the patient who had taken a cancer surgery. It's the first time i have ever seen that kind of patient.
He had a maxillary sinus cancer on the left side. After the surgery it just looks like the picture below the text.
I'm very sorry about him. I think everyone has heard about this disease. But we don't imagine it's harmful result.
Firs of all, every patient who has cancer is very depressed. They always have fear and are separated from the social life.
Second they have to take surgery. It means, in order to remove the cancer, surgeon will cut the organs which has cancer metastasis. And it's the result of facial defect.
Face is the most important part to participate in social life. If there's a defect on the face, that will be very hard for patient. We can use the facial prosthetic. But it's not the entire treatment.


Anonymous said...

WOW> That''s so sad

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